An Index-Fund Evangelist Is Straying From His Gospel Common Sense By JAMES B. STEWART JUNE 22, 2017
An Index-Fund Evangelist Is Straying From His Gospel
Common Sense

In his classic 1973 book “A Random Walk Down Wall Street,”
Burton Malkiel, a Princeton economics professor, made an assertion that was
startling at the time: that “a
blindfolded monkey throwing darts at the stock listings could select a
portfolio that would do just as well as one selected by the experts.”
Three years later, Vanguard, the asset manager where Mr.
Malkiel served on the board for 27 years, started the first passive index fund,
an innovation that has swept the financial world.
Now, at age 84, Mr. Malkiel has had a remarkable change of
heart: Maybe the experts can beat the monkeys after all. That is, if the
experts are software engineers writing sophisticated algorithms for
computer-generated trading.
Mr. Malkiel is chief investment adviser for Wealthfront, a
pioneering automated investment manager that last week adopted a new approach
it calls Advanced Indexing. The strategy aims to exploit market inefficiencies
and beat the passive approach, based on an index weighted by stocks’ market
capitalization, which Mr. Malkiel has long championed. This falls within a
broad investing category known as “smart beta,” beta being a measure of the
volatility of a security or a portfolio in comparison to the market as a whole.
“I have been a critic of smart-beta funds because they have
typically been sold with high expense ratios and have ignored tax
consequences,” Mr. Malkiel told me this week. “Smart beta has in effect been
expensive beta.” But decades of academic research into efficient markets and
Wealthfront’s ability to deliver a smart-beta approach at low cost, coupled
with tax efficiency, finally won him over, he said.
Rob Arnott, founder of Research Affiliates, which devises
smart-beta products for money managers like Pimco and BlackRock, greeted news
of Mr. Malkiel’s conversion as “a fascinating turn of events.”
“Even though Burt Malkiel was never a die-hard efficient
market person, he was pretty staunchly in that camp,” Mr. Arnott said. “He has
acknowledged there may be some market inefficiencies, but any advantage from
trading on them got eaten up in fees. Now the approach has become so
cost-effective that even a skeptic like him is acknowledging it can add value.”
A large and growing body of academic research suggests there
are market anomalies that can be exploited to beat a strict index approach.
Some of that research has been recognized with Nobels in economic science —
William F. Sharpe in 1990 and Eugene F. Fama in 2013. One of these findings is
that value outperforms growth, rewarding those who identify stocks with lower
price-earnings ratios and other metrics that suggest they’re undervalued.
Another factor is momentum, in which stocks that are already outperforming
market averages continue to do so.
Even so, “smart beta isn’t the kind of thing you hear talked
about at cocktail parties, unless you move in very geeky social circles,” said
Matt Hougan, chief executive of Inside ETFs, which provides research and
conferences on exchange-traded
That may change now that someone of Mr. Malkiel’s stature
has thrown his weight behind it.
Wealthfront stressed that it was not abandoning the essence
of Mr. Malkiel’s long-held belief in passive investing, and it calls its new
approach PassivePlus. “Burt Malkiel is still the high priest of passive
investing,” said Jakub Jurek, vice president for research at Wealthfront. “To
be absolutely clear, we’re not stock pickers. There are decades of research on
active investors, which show they underperform.” At the same time, he said,
“there are small adjustments you can make to improve after-tax returns.”
In addition to value and momentum factors, Wealthfront’s
approach embraces stocks with high dividend yields, low market beta and low
volatility, all factors that “have proven robust across long time periods,
geographies and asset classes,” Mr. Jurek said. (Wealthfront excluded another
widely cited factor, small market capitalization, because its investment
universe is limited to large-cap issues.)
Wealthfront’s testing against historical data indicates its
multifactor approach outperformed a strict index approach by an average of 1
percentage point per year over the past 50 years, and even more since 2000,
without any increase in volatility. As would be expected, there were some
periods in which it underperformed.
“There’s a lot of statistical and, perhaps more important,
behavioral support for these strategies,” Mr. Hougan said. “You’ll find plenty
of two- or three-year stretches where this will underperform, but if you buy
and hold, it’s going to add value. We’ve seen value outperform for over 80
years. And Wealthfront is blending five factors that should smooth out and
reduce those periods of underperformance.”
Smart beta has its critics, including Mr. Arnott, viewed by
many as the godfather of the field. “Smart beta can be smart, and then it can
be not so smart,” Mr. Arnott said. “There are tons of strategies being offered
now based on nothing but back tests. Anyone can create a brilliant strategy
with benefit of hindsight. But does that mean anything for future returns?”
“Pretty much everyone is looking at the same factors, which
is a danger,” he added. “It’s a very crowded space. If 10,000 quants are all
looking at the same data and trading on it, the chances are that it’s not going
to work.”
Mr. Jurek responded that “at a very general level, you could
say that every back test is problematic.” But he stressed that “when designing
Advanced Indexing, we relied on decades of peer-reviewed research to select
factors that have stood the test of time” — even after being widely publicized
— and “across asset classes.” He noted that smart-beta exchange-traded products
account for about $500 billion in assets, still a relatively small fraction of
total assets invested.
Multifactor smart-beta E.T.F.s are now available from many
major fund providers, including BlackRock’s iShares, Invesco’s PowerShares,
State Street’s SPDRs and WisdomTree E.T.F.s, but their track records are too
short to draw any meaningful conclusions. And despite similar names and what purport
to be similar strategies, their actual holdings can vary widely.
There are even more single-factor E.T.F.s, such as the
venerable Vanguard U.S. Value Fund, started in 2000. Its 10-year annualized
return as of this week was 5.8 percent, compared to 7.2 percent for
the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index.
Low-volatility funds, which tend to smooth out performance,
have been especially popular since the financial crisis. The PowerShares
S.&P. 500 Low Volatility Fund is the oldest, begun in 2011. It has a
five-year annualized
return of 13.6 percent, compared with the S.&P. 500’s 14.9
percent, according to Morningstar.
Mr. Malkiel stressed that low fees were critical in
enhancing long-term smart-beta returns. Wealthfront charges its standard 0.25
percent management fee, with no additional charge for its Advanced Indexing
feature. (Some smart-beta E.T.F. fees are even lower, although the average fee
is over 1 percent.)
Mr. Hougan agreed. “You can easily waste away all the
outperformance if the strategy isn’t carefully implemented,” he said. “We used
to have to pay 1 percent and 1.5 percent to overpaid managers. Now we can get
those strategies for 30 basis points or less. I think that’s great.”
A version of this article appears in print on June 23, 2017,
on Page B1 of the New York edition with the headline: Monkey Throwing
Darts Loses a Faithful Disciple
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