Robert Stauffer: The Fed's Mismeasure of Inflation
Robert Stauffer: The Fed's Mismeasure of Inflation The 2% target rate has been reached in services, but monetary policy will do little to raise goods prices. While the Federal Reserve approved a small increase in its target interest rate in mid-December, last week the Federal Open Market Committee voted against any further rate hike. The Fed’s press release noted that inflation remained below 2%—and the minutes of the December FOMC meeting indicate that some members are still very concerned over the low rate of inflation. This guarantees that decisions to further hike rates will be contentious and slow. But concerns about too-low inflation are misguided. The Fed needs to recognize that its power to increase the rate of inflation is significantly limited. Specifically, it needs to carefully consider the factors of supply that are restraining price increases in the markets for goods—as opposed to services, which are more sensitive to monetary policy and where inflati...